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Haven of peace in a green setting

Nestled in a vast wooded area,

bordered by a pretty little river, the Sensée

The GEM  Etienne Piotr was   designed to allow everyone to experience the joy of practicing this fabulous sport of golf in excellent conditions.  

The originality of this route makes it particularly suitable for

all players: insiders and beginners.

The club is an association of volunteers.

It works thanks to their dedication,

what makes it accessible to everyone.

Initiation sessions are regularly organized. 

The material is provided 

inquire  on 06 82 42 56 06

Welcome to Golf Etienne Piotr

Volontaires pour organiser des cours de Golf, vous êtes les bienvenus.

Idem pour les amateurs de jeux de cartes. 
Organisons un après-midi par semaine au Club House.

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